How to handle issues with rare edge cases where builds fail or even panic (soemtimes different way per OS)

While playing around and studying features I sometimes make very bad mistakes…

cause by:

  • typos
  • missing knowledge
  • try strange things

Would you like to have issues for these cases?

Some examples for hugo.toml

baseURL = ""
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
title = "Module Mounts"
disableKinds = ['RSS', 'sitemap', 'taxonomy', 'term']


      source = "content"
      target = "content"

Example 1

   source = "."
   target = "content"
  • hugo at least builds
  • hugo server endless loop

Example 2

   source = "/" # UNIX
   source = "c:/" # Windows
   target = "content"
  • Ubuntu (WSL Ubuntu on Windows 11)

    • hugo panic
    • hugo server panic
  • Windows 11

    • hugo fails with Access denied on first file sound where user has no rights
    • hugo server fails with Access denied on first file sound where user has no rights

Example 3

  • hugo panic
  • hugo server panic

There are a million ways (probably not an exaggeration) to misconfigure a site. Validating the entire config is something that will probably never happen (low reward for required effort).

You could certainly log issues for these, but they will probably linger in the queue and ultimately die of negelct.