title: Foo bar
- title: Foo bar
foo: bar
- title Bar foo
foo: bar
I can successfully iterate through it with {{ range .Params.limits_section.tabs }}
However, I am facing difficulties fetching the first element of the list.
To get the first element I tried: {{ $firstTab := index .Params.limits_section.tabs 0 }}
but I get the error: error calling index: index of untyped nil
The following suggested solutions don’t solve this issue:
You may have content that does not have that front matter param set, so for those cases you are calling index on nil. Try it inside a with (or test if isset):
{{ with .Params.limits_section.tabs }}
{{ $firstTab := index . 0 }}
{{ $firstTab }}
{{ end }}
What does that mean exactly? My content is an array, as seen in the output of .Params.limits_section.tabs.
I tried your snippet and it works, but then I cannot reference the $firstTab variable outside of the with block. I would have to use Scratch or something to accomplish that.
For a simple operation as fetching the first element of an array, I find this process quite cumbersome…
In other words, there is really no single line statement that will assign the first item of the array to a variable?
The error may occur when not all .md files have that front matter parameter included. For example if one file does not have limits_section defined, or has it but not tabs.