Hi all,
Hope you’re good!
So, I have some nested pages in directory “pages”.
architecture example:
|-- pages
|----- dir-1
|-------- subdir-1
|-------- subdir-2
|----- dir-2
But I would like exclude this directory level for my build like:
I saw permalink but doesn’t work with nested pages.
The only one solution are to have path without this first level in url field?
title: Subdir 1
url: /dir-1/subdir-1/
Thanks and happy new year,
Exclude from permalinks or builds?
If the former, see URL management
If the latter, see build options below
I expressed myself badly sorry,
not exclude but change url path and remove “/pages”
like https://www.mywebsite.com/dir-1/subdir-1/ and not https://www.mywebsite.com/pages/dir-1/subdir-1/
Then configuring permalinks should help you
Hi Steppa,
ok its working only with leaf page with this config:
pages = '/:sections[1:]/:slug/'
I created a repository for testing GitHub - sebousan/hugo-test: hugo-test,
you can see some pages in /content/ and see the result in /public/.
“My first page” is a branch page and is build in /public/pages/my-first-page/index.html not in /public/my-first-page/index.html
What do you think about this?
Thanks a lot.
OK, I found this comment of jmooring:
“Permalinks defined in site configuration are not applicable to section pages / branch bundles”
In this issue:
So, url in frontmatter is the only way to set a different permalink for branch page
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