How to escape the hash tag character in Org mode (source or example)?


I want to output the following text:

How can I mark the place for the "Read more" in Org Mode?

Like this:

# more

I want # more to be formatted either as source code or example.

If I use the following text, the hash tag is not displayed properly.

* How can I mark the place for the "Read more" in Org Mode?

Like this:

# more

Here is what I get:

I tried to escape the hashtag character (\#, \\#, ##), but this did not work.

What can I do in order to output # more formatted as an example or source code?

Thanks in advance

When I do this…


title: "Foo"

* How can I mark the place for the "Read more" in Org Mode?

Like this:

# more

I get this:

<div id="outline-container-headline-1" class="outline-2">
  <h2 id="headline-1">
    How can I mark the place for the &#34;Read more&#34; in Org Mode?
  <div id="outline-text-headline-1" class="outline-text-2">
    <p>Like this:</p>
    <pre class="example"># more</pre>

Which looks like this:


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In my case

Another attempt:

# more

is rendered as

Another attempt:</p>

If you have any ideas where to look for the error, please tell.

I get this:


Other than making sure you are using the latest Hugo version, I don’t know what to tell you without access to your project.

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If I change

#+title: Foo


title: "Foo"

it (the output of hashtag as example) works.

Thanks for your help.

This looks like a bug to me. You should be able to use Org Mode front matter. I’ll look into this.


With Org Mode, the manual summary divider is “# more”, hence the conflict you’re seeing.

The only way around this, that I know of, is to insert the summary divider before any content.

#+title: Foo

# more

# more

This is not a bug… just known limitation of using a summary divider. You have to do the same thing in Markdown when using <!--more-->.

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