While there is a RSS section in the docs (https://gohugo.io/templates/rss/) I do not know how to start.
What I need is a RSS feed of a tag with full content. Is there a guide I missed which explains in detail how this is done?
Thanks for any help!
While there is a RSS section in the docs (https://gohugo.io/templates/rss/) I do not know how to start.
What I need is a RSS feed of a tag with full content. Is there a guide I missed which explains in detail how this is done?
Thanks for any help!
@pat-s I think is this what you looking for: https://gohugo.io/templates/rss/
Embedded rss.xml
Embedded rss.xml
Embedded rss.xml
Embedded rss.xml
Could someone provide or point to an example of an separate RSS feed that is created for a certain value of a tag. It would be great to see the relevant xml code. And it would be helpful to know how to access the file that is generated; is it an index.html file somewhere?
@kgolding, did you find any luck with this?