Lets say I have a .md file in my posts section, and I want to add a link within a paragraph in that file that would lead to another .md file of my choice.
I do not want this .md file to be accessible from anywhere else on the site, just through that link, how would I go about it?
Originally I tried to just add [here](/content/file.md), but clearly that does not work (I believe because it is using a relative path.)
Is this problem theme specific or can it be done on any Hugo site?
<section id="file">
{{ with site.GetPage "/content/file" }}
{{ .Content }}
{{ end }}
And now when I click on the specified link in my source file [here](/content/file.md) I am taken to: http://localhost:1313/posts/source/link.com which does not exist. The homepage has also gone completely blank
git clone --single-branch -b hugo-forum-topic-46839 https://github.com/jmooring/hugo-testing hugo-forum-topic-46839
cd hugo-forum-topic-46839
hugo server