Hi, I am using the Hugo Academic Theme.
I am trying to change the font size of a certain area, but I couldn’t find a relevant document.
My project.md file looks like this. I want to reduce the size of this part `` * Time-varying Stockholders Consumption Risk-Sharing and Asset Prices with Jack ma, Presented at: ABC (2018) ‘’
Does anyone know how to do this?
Custom widget.
An example of using the custom widget to create your own homepage section.
To create more sections, duplicate this file and edit the values below as desired.
widget = “custom”
active = true
date = 2016-04-20T00:00:00
Note: a full width section format can be enabled by commenting out the title
and subtitle
with a #
title = “Research”
subtitle = “”
Order that this section will appear in.
weight = 60
Working paper
- Time-varying Stockholders Consumption Risk-Sharing and Asset Prices with Jack ma, Presented at: ABC (2018)