How to best display all images from a folder

hello, here is my conundrum.

my data files consist of exhibitions with info such as:

title: ABD
    image: 01.jpg
    image: 02.jpg
    image: 03.jpg
    image: 04.jpg
    image: 05.jpg


within the branch bundle layout file (list.html) i have:

{{ partial "header" . }} 
{{ .Content }}
<div class="gallery">
{{ partial "footer" .}} 

within the file i have:



# bla bla bla

(nothing, so far)

I’d like to display every image i have in the data file within the css class “gallery”

All images are situated within the branch bundle, in a folder called “images”

Now, I know the data file layout i have may not be the most elegant: so please suggest what I can do?

You could range through all images in your page bundle, e.g.

{{ range .Resources.ByType "image" }}

Then within that range, range through your data file: if the .Name of the page bundle image equals the .image in your data file, then display it.

the image URLs are in the data file. should i put them in the file in the front matter?

i figured, if i put them in the data file, i could use them elsewhere in the site…

here is what i tried from your suggestion, in the branch bundle list.html layout file

{{ range .Resources.ByType "image" }}
	{{ range .Site.Data.shows }}

	{{ end }}
{{ end }}

but the problem is i want this to be a generic list.html, since i have many exhibitions, so how do i tell the layout file to extract THIS particular set of images?

hope i am making sense…

You could specify the data filename in your front matter, then grab that in your template. Something like:

{{ $data := index .Site.Data .Params.dataFilename }}
{{ range $data }}

i know this is totally wrong, please help:


dataFile: XYZ

in data file XYZ.yaml:

    image: 01.jpg

in list.html:

{{ partial "header" . }} 
{{ .Content }}

{{ $data := index .Site.Data .Params.dataFile }}

<ul class="gallery">
{{ range .Resources.ByType "image" }}
	{{ range $data }}

		{{ if eq .Name  }}

			<li><img src="{{ .images/image }}" /></li>

	{{ end }}
{{ end }}

{{ partial "footer" .}}


You’re close. Since you do a range within a range, you have to grab the .Name before the context changes.

This will get you closer (if not all the way there). I’ll let you handle the rest from here – it’ll be beneficial for you to understand.

{{ $data := index .Site.Data .Params.dataFile }}
{{ range .Resources.ByType "image" }}
  {{ $name := .Name }}
  {{ range $data }}
    {{ $img := .images.image }}
    {{ if eq $name $img }}
      <!-- Create your <img> element here -->
    {{ end }}
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}


<ul class="gallery">
	{{ $data := index .Site.Data .Params.dataFile }}
	{{ range .Resources.ByType "image" }}
	  {{ $name := .Name }}
	  {{ range $data }}
    	{{ $img := .media.images.image }}
	    {{ if eq $name $img }}
	    	<li><img src="$img" /></li>
	    {{ end }}
	  {{ end }}
	{{ end }}

results in an error:

Error while rendering "section" in "": template: shows/list.html:5:13: executing "shows/list.html" at <index .Site.Data .Pa...>: error calling index: value is nil; should be of type string


The error message is clear


	{{ $data := index .Site.Data ".Params.dataFile" }}

does away with the error, but surely this is wrong?

i don’t see a “toString” funciton anywhere in the reference, how do i pass .Params.dataFile as a string?

i believe this is correct:

	{{ $data := index .Site.Data (string .Params.dataFile) }}

but no images are matched, and the ul remains unpopulated … please help?

datafile should be a string! You can write it as string too

dataFile: "XYZ"

yeah but

dataFile: "XYZ"


	{{ $data := index .Site.Data .Params.dataFile }}

still gives me the same error…


The reason you are getting error calling index: value is nil; should be of type string may be that .Params.dataFile may sometimes be returning nil.

This may happen if you don’t have .Params.dataFile defined in all your sections

You could first check {{ if .Params.dataFile }} before calling {{ index .Site.Data .Params.dataFile }}

Or use a more specific layout (than list.html).

A few more points:

title: ABD
    image: 01.jpg
    image: 02.jpg
    image: 03.jpg
    image: 04.jpg
    image: 05.jpg
  1. This is not the correct way of defining a list (assuming you intended to define a list). Here, images is a map with five image keys. You probably want something like this instead:
title: ABD
    - 01.jpg
    - 02.jpg
    - 03.jpg
    - 04.jpg
    - 05.jpg

Or perhaps the following, which would give you an array of maps

title: ABD
    - image: 01.jpg
    - image: 02.jpg
    - image: 03.jpg
    - image: 04.jpg
    - image: 05.jpg

  1. {{ range $data }} will range over all of XYZ.yaml, returning

You need to range over $ Then depending on which of the two list styles above you choose, access the image name by {{.}} or {{image}}

{{ range $ }}
  <!-- if you use the first --> {{.}}
  <!-- if you use the second --> {{.image}}<br>
{{ end }}

thanks @pointyfar for that detailed reply, without being cryptic. i’m still running up against problems,

my layout is under “layouts/shows/list.html”:

{{ partial "header" . }} 
{{ .Content }}

<ul class="gallery">
	{{ $data := index .Site.Data.shows .Params.dataFile }}
	{{ range .Resources.ByType "image" }}
	  {{ $name := .Name }}
	  {{ range $data }}
    	{{ $img := .media.images }}
	    {{ if eq $name $img }}
	    	<li><img src=$img /></li>
	    {{ end }}
	  {{ end }}
	{{ end }}

now this is still throwing up a

Error while rendering "section" in "": template: shows/list.html:5:13: executing "shows/list.html" at <index .Site.Data.sho...>: error calling index: value is nil; should be of type string

error, despite not having any other folder in “content/shows”

and my content is under “content/shows/XYZ/”:

dataFile: XYZ

also, my dataFile now looks like:

    - 01.jpg
    - 02.jpg
    - 03.jpg

so i’m using the syntax you suggested, but clearly my loops are wrong

does it have to be

dataFile: XYZ.yml

or somesuch? of course, i tried that and no dice.

  1. Where is your data file (XYZ.yml) located? We have been working here on the assumption that it is under yoursite/data/XYZ.yml. If so then $data needs to be:
{{ $data := index .Site.Data .Params.dataFile }}

Note: not .Site.Data.shows

which is the equivalent of

{{ $data := index .Site.Data "XYZ" }}

  1. The error message actually gives you a hint:
error calling index: value is nil; should be of type string

When you call the index function, there is a nil value which should be a string. So to figure out which one that is, print out the two arguments you use:

{{ .Site.Data.shows }} {{ .Params.dataFile }}

  1. Once you sort that out,
{{ range $data }}

will probably not work. Refer to my previous reply (the long one, towards the end)

Read more about data templates here:

It would make it so much easier for us to help you if you actually had a sample project we can play with.

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Agreed with @pointyfar

@blablabla You ask many questions on this forum (which I encourage :+1: ), but each time you only provide minimal code snippets. Since others are volunteering their time to help you, the least you could do is take the time to create a small repo that reproduces your issue. It also fixes the “but it works on my computer” issues.

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thank you both. the website i’m making is for an art collective i work with. i have spoken with them, and am trying to find a way in which i can open-source it now. however, they don’t want these questions showing up in search results related to the collective. a robots.txt file won’t be enough, as gets indexed, so what can i do?


When making your sample repo, use dummy data/dummy names for things which have no relation to the real project

here it is:

anonymised as much as possible

all of your time and effort is very much appreciated, thank you so much