How do I create pages that do not produce a physical page?

I’m trying to create content for a section on the homepage called “services”. I have created a leaf bundle to store the images and everything works fine except it’s producing a /services url in the sitemap and Google is trying to crawl these non existent pages.

I have my content laid out like so, and most of the /directories contain content that displays on the homepage:

  • content/
    ---- services/
    ------ imgs/

Any ideas how to stop hugo producing a URL for this and to not treat it like page?

Headless bundles may meet your needs

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Perfecto! Thank you.

I’ve attempted this by hadding headless: true to the files within the content directories. It’s still producing the sitemap:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<urlset xmlns=""



I’ve applied headless: true to content/services/ and content/gallary/ and it’s still producing them. I cleared the public/ directory before I re ran hugo.


Ah, ignore me. Works now I had the old file open.