Hi, I am very new to Hugo so apologies if I have missed something, but is there a straightforward way to embed formulas in markdown and rendering them on the pages? I would use MathJax for it I suppose, unless there is a reason not to. I did see a few guides showing how to do this on google but none worked so far. Is there any official information on how I could do this? If not, any pointers?
git clone --single-branch -b hugo-forum-topic-41107 https://github.com/jmooring/hugo-testing hugo-forum-topic-41107
cd hugo-forum-topic-41107
hugo server
I also have this interest. I came across the theme below, which uses mathjax. Search the net for “hugo mathjax” and there are a number of stackoverflow hits. Here’s one that points to a hugo MathJax tutorial.