I don’t like the color of https://jahad9819jjj.github.io
src is here.
I don’t like the color of https://jahad9819jjj.github.io
src is here.
Hi, this is OT for this forum, but you can change background color or color, generally speaking, by targeting html or body.
body {
color: shark;
At assets/_base.scss
+ background-color: $dark;
+ color: $light;
padding-bottom: 45px;
flex: 1;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
Add the above lines and run hugo server
, we will get the following output.
and $light
is defined at _variables.scss
$padding: 10px;
$margin: 25px;
$primary-color: #04a763;
$hover: #04a763;
$bright: #ff4447;
$light: #fff;
$dark: #24292e;
$text: #343434;
$pale: lighten($dark, 20%);
$mute: darken($light, 20%);
$linear: linear-gradient(to right bottom, darken($primary-color, 10%), $primary-color);
$font: 'Metropolis', sans-serif;
$gray: rgb(241,243,241);