Is magic? It seems to be.
I have a very elaborate and successful site at I mention this to indicate I have successfully done some elaborate stuff with hugo.
But, simple things seem very trying.
The troubled site is just a launch place to other sites.
All it has is a home page at index.html with some introductory text and a menu to launch other sites. At some point I made add blog entries–not for now.
It has an about page which might also have more content in the future.
I cannot for the life of me get the about page to generate or appear. I think the theme also has some problems as the layouts are inconsistent with the theme’s documentation. I suspect this is rather common.
Here is the directory structure:
archetypes # untouched
data # untouched
layouts # have not added any to the theme
debug.html # I put some arbitrary html here that I can display on pages for debugging purposes (Handy!)
static # empty
flex-master # very sparse theme
I can send the entire config.toml in another post (since attachments aren’t supported) Hugo is very sensitive to settings that might appear to be unrelated, but I can’t tell if something else is causing a problem.
It seems that the relevant sections create the top level menu:
name = "Winter Cove"
url = ""
name = "Travelogues"
url = ""
name = "Photos"
url = ""
name = "About"
url = "/posts/about/"
weight = "-100"
When I generate the site to a local output directory, I never see a directory for posts and never see the output file for about.html. So, naturally the above menu entry always generates a 404.
I have tried putting in the content directory and the menu link as “/about/”. Every once a while this seems to work, but never consistently. Or it breaks the home age for reasons unknown.
This is why I am asking if somehow there is special case code in Hugo for about.