Help With Podcast Page

Okay, I’ve made my repo public so you can take a look.

Here’s what I want:

  1. At /podcast/ I want every episode ever listed.
  2. At /podcast/season-1/ I only want season 1 listed
  3. Same for /season-2/ and /season-3/, respectively.

The Problem:

Right now the /podcast/ URL returns correctly but seems to randomly pull the title and description from /season-3/ instead of from /podcast/

/season-2/ displays empty.

/season-1/ displays as a podcast episode page, instead of a list page.

Paginated interior pages off of /podcast/ seem to randomly pull titles and descriptions.

I’m really at a loss here.

Run hugo --printPathWarnings

WARN Duplicate target paths: /podcast/index.html (4), /podcast/index.xml (4), /podcast/page/2/index.html (4), /podcast/page/3/index.html (4), podcast/page/1/index.html (4)

The number (4) indicates that 4 pages are published to the given path.

Look at your permalinks configuration and compare it to the documentation.

That was half the battle!

Here’s how I got it to work:

In hugo.yaml, I had the following:

    articles: /articles/:year/:month/:title/
    articles: /articles/
    podcast: /podcast/

Replaced with the following:

    articles: /articles/:year/:month/:title/
    articles: /articles/

In layouts/podcast/list.html I had the following:

<section class="w-full flex flex-col md:flex-row flex-wrap justify-around">

  {{ $pages := where .Site.RegularPages "Section" "podcast" }}
  {{ $pages = $pages.ByDate.Reverse }}
  {{ range (.Paginate $pages 9).Pages }}
    {{ .Render "summary" }}
  {{ end }}


I replaced with the following:

<section class="w-full flex flex-col md:flex-row flex-wrap justify-around">

  {{ $pages := .RegularPagesRecursive.ByDate.Reverse }}
  {{ range (.Paginate $pages 9).Pages }}
    {{ .Render "summary" }}
  {{ end }}


Now everything displays exactly how I want.

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