I’m brand new to Hugo from Jekyll via Github Pages.
I’m trying to make a header image for my home page… I see that I can add a background image for the Hero widget… so I do that… but it’s boggling my mind how to make it display “correctly”… as in fill the hero widget.
I tried 16:9 I tried measuring on my screen the dimensions of the widget and resizing my image, but nothing works!
Tell me how I’m doing (at least now it shows within the widget at all) what is the background image of the hero widget trying to “stick” to? because it’s not the hero widget.
I even looked to the issues but no answers there:
- Add 'hero' widget that supports background image · Issue #99 · HugoBlox/hugo-blox-builder · GitHub
armsp commented on Jan 4 •
@ghost @gcushen what resolution (I mean size and ratio in pixels) is recommended for these background images?