I thought I was so close to launching my site with Hugo but I’ve butted up against what I hope is easily solve-able.
I have my content for my site ready. At the root of my content folder I have my index.md. Currently when I deploy locally it works fine but at the next level down from the home page. I would like to have what is in this index.md to appear on the home page.
Having read this article I found that I was missing the index.html in Layout. So I created this file by copying and pasting the example in the Theme I’m using -Hugo-Kiera
The code within the index.html file that I copied is:
index.md ==> Creates a leaf Page Bundle, that is ruled by the single page template usually under /layouts/_default/single.html
_index.md ==> Is an optional file meant to be used for metadata and custom content on list pages also known as branch Page Bundles, that are ruled by the list page template typically under /layouts/_default/list.html and in the case of the homepage the relevant template is /layouts/index.html
It appears that your homepage is missing its content due to using an index.md instead of _index.md
If the above does not fix the issue, then please share a repo with your project, to have a further look.
In line 5 of /layouts/index.html you are fetching the content files of Section called /posts/ however under /content/ there is no such Section hence the homepage list renders empty.
To fix
Either rename posts to post (the Section that is present under /content/