Hambuger menu not work as expected

I am using the Hugo-based theme that I created using Stackbit. One of the navigation menus that was updated does not work on mobile. The hamburger slider does not open when I am on the new page (Music) that’s linked to the menu.

Current behaviour

  1. Navigate to the “Music” page and click the hamburger menu
  2. Slider does not open


Expected behaviour

  1. Navigate to any other page and click the hamburger menu
  2. Slider opens

I can’t figure out what’s going on. Here is my repo GitHub - ArshRai17/cool-anemone: Jamstack site created with Stackbit

You have an unclosed comment at the bottom of content/music.md.

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@jmooring , OMG! A second pair of eyes was all that was needed. I was going bonkers trying to figure it out. Thank you so much!

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