I’m listing data from a JSON file on my page. It goes something linke this:
{{ $list := getJSON "blabla.json" }}
{{ range $list.conferences }}
<p>{{ .title }}, {{ .date }}, {{ .country }}</p>
{{ end }}
Now I want to group the conferences by date. This is because I want to put a new <h3>
headline for every year. I tried
{{ range $list.conferences.GroupBy "country" }}
but got the error can’t evaluate field GroupBy in type interface {}
. (same for GroupByParam
Is there any way to group JSON data with Go templates?
I think there is no such function to group custom data excepts pages. You could group it via .Scratch
But I think it could be simply achieved by sort
{{ $list := getJSON "https://mocki.io/v1/fc75575a-bdb1-4712-b49c-fc725538a257" }}
{{/* asc or desc */}}
{{ $sorting := "asc" }}
{{ $year := "" }}
{{ range sort $list.conferences "date" $sorting }}
{{/* Check if the item year is same as previous item. Generate the new heading if not equals. */}}
{{ $itemYear := (time .date).Format "2006" }}
{{ if ne $year $itemYear }}
{{ $year = $itemYear }}
<h3>{{ $year }}</h3>
{{ end }}
<p>{{ .title }}, {{ .date }}, {{ .country }}</p>
{{ end }}
You may need to adjust the year formatting, it depends on how the format of date
looks like.
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