GitHub pages deployment died with fatal: No url found for submodule path 'themes/ananke' in .gitmodules

Hello, Having some recent issues deplouing my hugo sitwwe to Github.
All was working as of 2 weeks ago.
I noticed fter my recent push that th build failed and my .github dir was missing so I recreated it and added a fresh action. (Create hugo.yml2)

That when the most recent build died with:
Error: fatal: No url found for submodule path ‘themes/ananke’ in .gitmodules
Error: The process ‘/usr/bin/git’ failed with exit code 128

I dug around and could not find much on this or have any idea what changed. The only change I made to the yaml was change the version to match my HUGO binary version.

My repo is:

u use ananke as a submodule and fails when trying to fetch it.

your .gitmodules file is missing.

guess you will have to reinit it. dunno the exact sequence how to repair. but there are many instruction out there for repairing a missing .gitmodules file.

just tested with your repo, and that one should do:

rmdir themes/ananke
git rm --cached themes/ananke
git submodule add themes/ananke
git add .gitmodules
git commit -m "cleanup and re-add submodule for ananke"
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and re enable recurse-submodule in your github action.

maybe following that one: Host on GitHub Pages | Hugo step 6

Thanks, all looks well after those steps!

ah, just seen, you have a two step checkout action - also fine

pleased be able to assist with a solution – happy new year