Get field in JSON file

How do I get the correct path in this file (named health.json) to get the fields under properties to work? Doing index throws an error execute of template failed at <site>: can’t evaluate field properties in type interface {} .

    "type": "Collection",
    "crs": { "type": "name", "properties": { "name": "name" } },
    "features": [
        "type": "Feature",
        "id": 0,
        "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [23, -3] },
        "properties": {
          "FID": 0,
          "OBJECTID": 1,
          "Facility_N": " Dispensary",
          "Type": "Dispensary",

features is an array so you need to select one, e.g:

{{ $first := index 0 }}
{{ range $ }}
{{{ end }}

Now gettimg this error execute of template failed at <.FID>: can’t evaluate field FID in type interface {}.

{{ $first := index 0 }}
{{ range $ }}
{{ .FID }}
{{ end }}

FID isn’t part of the context in a range iteration.

If you want to get the FID:

{{ (index 0).properties.FID }}

Almost works (I am callin multiple fields under properties). Since the part below is recurring, how to ensure all parts appear? Right now only one item appears (with all its fields under properties), which I assume is positioned as 0.

        "type": "Feature",
        "id": 0,
        "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [23, -3] },
        "properties": {
          "FID": 0,
          "OBJECTID": 1,
          "Facility_N": " Dispensary",
          "Type": "Dispensary",

I reworked my code

{{ with (index 0).properties }}
    <li>{{ .FID }}</li>
    <li>{{ .OBJECTID }}</li>
    <li>{{ .Facility_N }}</li>
    <li>{{ .Type }}</li>
  {{- end }}

That wasn’t obvious from your initial example.

features is an array, so you need to range over it.

{{ range }}
  {{ with .properties }}
      <li>{{ .FID }}</li>
      <li>{{ .OBJECTID }}</li>
      <li>{{ .Facility_N }}</li>
      <li>{{ .Type }}</li>
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}

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