Accessing data from JSON can’t evaluate field in type []interface {} (MAP)

Can anyone help? :melting_face:

        "item_number": 1,
            "Pixel 7 Pro"
        "item_number": 2,
            "Pixel 6a"

Error description

> can’t evaluate field tipe_series in type []interface {}

My Shortcodes

{{ range $index, $item := }} 

{{ range .tipe_series }}
{{ end}}

{{ end }}


[Google Pixel 7 Pro Google Pixel 6a]

which should

- Google Pixel 7 Pro
- Google Pixel 6a

I am unable to reproduce the problem as described.


    "item_number": 1,
    "tipe_series": [
      "Pixel 7 Pro"
    "item_number": 2,
    "tipe_series": [
      "Pixel 6a"

template code

{{ range }}
  {{ range .tipe_series }}
    <p>{{ . }}</p>
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}

produces this HTML

<p>Pixel 7 Pro</p>
<p>Pixel 6a</p>
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