Context :
Theme : Hugo-Coder (last version)
Env : hugo v0.139.3-2f6864387cd31b975914e8373d4bf38bddbd47bc+extended
windows/amd64 BuildDate=2024-11-29T15:36:56Z VendorInfo=gohugoio
I will use tags element as an example for this post which is present by default.
Additional informations :
tried to use all three formats : toml , yaml and json
tried different browsers
Page used for tests : mywebsite(dot)com/posts/test/
Taxonomy looks to works fine (acess to /tags/ page with list of all tags as example)
by looking into the layout code, i found out the logic to display this tag font matter is here :
I won’t try to build something up including config, templates, content pages and the frontmater params trying to get ist failing at the same place as yours - which is stull not clear to me.
have a look at Requesting Help. maybe you can elaborate on your problem description, show what you have and what you expect.
usually copying code sippets around without the context is not pushing forward.