Front Matter and Menu Config


I have the following front matter in YAML, but I would like express the same in TOML and JSON. I can’t seem to get either to work (hugo serve throws an error):

title: "Blog"
        identifier: 'posts'
        weight: 10

Could someone provide me with an example in TOML and JSON formats?

Many thanks.

See examples here:

Thank you for the reply.

Indeed, I have tried this, but it does not work in front matter (at least for me), only in the config.

This is what I have tried (in the front matter):

    identifier = "about"
    name = "about hugo"
    pre = "<i class='fa fa-heart'></i>"
    url = "/about/"
    weight = -110

Here is the error I get:

unable to process menus for "": unable to cast []map[string]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"identifier":"about", "name":"about hugo", "pre":"<i class='fa fa-heart'></i>", "url":"/about/", "weight":-110}} of type []map[string]interface {} to map[string]interface{}

I believe that notation is for the config.toml file. Have a look at hugo convert toTOML - maybe create the frontmatter once in yaml and then convert to see what hugo is missing.

And try without the first [menu] and/or [menu.main] (one bracket).

Interesting that there seems to be NOWHERE with an example of frontmatter menus in TOML…

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Excellent, that worked! Thank you!

Using hugo convert toTOML --unsafe converted:

title: "About"
        identifier: 'about'
        weight: 10


title = "About"
    identifier = "about"
    weight = 10

Great. Now I finally too know how to do that in TOML :partying_face:

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