First featured image of a page as category image

  1. Hugo has pages assigned to different categories.
  2. All these categories appear on the list page for categories.
  3. I would like to add a featured image to the categories in the category list page.
  4. However, these images should come from the images named featured.** for each page from the assets folder (see point 5 for test site)
  5. Here is my content structure Use Content Adapters to get several images - #4 by jmooring
  6. Anyone with the knowledge to assist please?

ChatGPT came up with this. If anyone has an alterative method, I am all ears

{{- if eq .Type "categories" }}
  {{- $categories := .Site.Taxonomies.categories }}
  {{- range $category, $pages := $categories }}
    {{- $featuredImage := "" }}
    {{- range $pages }}
      {{- with resources.GetMatch (printf "images/%s/%s/featured.*" .Section .Params.sku) }}
        {{- if not $featuredImage }} {{- $featuredImage = .Process "resize 300x300" }} {{- end }}
      {{- end }}
    {{- end }}
    {{- if $featuredImage }}
      <div class="category-featured-image">
        <img src="{{ $featuredImage.RelPermalink }}" class="transition" width="{{ $featuredImage.Width }}" height="{{ $featuredImage.Height }}" alt="Featured image for {{ $category }}">
    {{- end }}
  {{- end }}
{{- end }}

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