Hi Hugo community.
First of all - much gratitude for such a great site builder and support community. Impressive!
I’m having trouble displaying Featured images in single pages, and lists.
I’ve scanned the knowledge base (including Post featured image) and still can’t fix my issue.
I have a section called articles
in my /content DIR.
├── content
│ ├── articles
│ │ ├── _index.md
│ │ ├── our-story
│ │ │ ├── images
│ │ │ │ └── image1.jpg
│ │ │ │ └── image2.jpg
│ │ │ └── index.md
Each article contains an /images DIR per the new Page Bundle approach.
I then set a featured image in the index.md of the article:
title: "Our Story"
date: 2018-02-10T11:26:27+11:00
featured_image: "image1.jpg"
featured_image_caption: "Caption Blah Blah"
I have a partial that is capable of accessing the featured_image_caption
variable with:
{{ with .Params.featured_image_caption }}
<p class="featured-img-caption">{{ . }}</p>
{{ end }}
But how do I access that featured image?
The only way I can display it at the moment is with:
{{ with .Resources.ByType "image" }}
{{ range . }}
<img src="{{ .RelPermalink }}" alt="{{ $.Title }}">
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
But that (predictably) shows all images in the Article’s /images DIR.
FYI - I’m using that same partial in the single.html and list.html here:
└── themes
└── mytheme
├── layouts
│ ├── articles
│ │ ├── list.html
│ │ └── single.html
How can I filter the result to provide only the image declared in the featured_image
frontmatter field?
Many thanks for any assistance y’all can provide.