This comes from my list.html
template file:
<h1>List: {{ .Title -}}</h1>
<p>This is the list of {{ .Title | lower }} that accounts have been tagged with.</p>
<ul class="columns">
{{ range .Pages }}
{{- $term := (index .Data (.Section | singularize)) -}}
<li><a href="{{- .RelPermalink -}}">{{- .Title -}}</a>{{- if ne .Kind "home" }} ({{- $term.Count -}}){{- end -}}</li>
{{ end }}
Nothing fancy. For pages where I have added values to the taxonomy terms in the front-matter, everything is peachy.
My question is about the inverse of this. Is there a way to discover pages where the taxonomy term is empty/blank? My goal is to find everything that is missing a value so that I can fill it in and ensure I have well-organized data in my site.