Filter data files with a field

Continuing the discussion from Trying to filter data files based upon a date field:

I tried practising Hugo’s range where with data files.

# data/foo.yml
name: Lucas
parent: true
# data/bar.yml
name: John
parent: false

I would like to loop through entries where parent: true.
From the linked discussion, I adapted @bep’s method without success.

{{ range where .Site.Data "parent" "eq" "true" }}
<p>name = {{ .name }}, parent = {{ .parent }}</p>
{{ end }}

How can I correct the loop? I’ve tried everything I can, like

{{ range where .Site.Data "parent" "true" }}
{{ range where $.Site.Data "Params.parent" "true" }}


Here’s the Hugo Template code:
Test page:

Try true the boolean instead of "true" the string

@zwbetz Thanks for suggestion. I’ve tried this, but it doesn’t work.

diff --git a/layouts/whatever/single.html b/layouts/whatever/single.html
index a6274a2..86ade96 100644
--- a/layouts/whatever/single.html
+++ b/layouts/whatever/single.html
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
           {{ end }}
           <p>Try using Hugo where function</p>
-          {{ range where .Site.Data "parent" "eq" "true" }}
+          {{ range where .Site.Data "parent" "eq" true }}
           <p>name = {{ .name }}, parent = {{ .parent }}</p>
           {{ end }}