External link that takes me to the publications doesn't work after deploying my site in Netlifly from Github, but all works fine locally!

Hello, I need your help please. I deployed, on Netlify using github, a website created on R using Hugo blogdown. The site is published without any problem but I have a problem with the publications. The external link that takes me to the articles doesn’t work. But all links works fine locally. How can I fix the problem and display the publications correctly please ?
The code is public in this link : GitHub - BOUGHANMIChaima/hel_oua_ws
The problem is with all the publication in this folder in github
The problem is with the sites i put in this line of code in each file of my publications, for example :
url_source: ‘https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

It’s very urgent that i finish this soon
Thank you for advance for your help

This is not, and never has been, a valid configuration:

baseURL: '' 

See documentation.

Also note that is invalid…

content/publication/preprint - Copie (2)/index


Hello @jmooring thank you somuchh for your answer.
Can you be cleaer please. What must i put in the baseURL ?
You think that should be responsible of the problem ?
Thank you in advance

The url to your site. Like this:

baseURL: “https://www.example.org/

Thank you , I will do it

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