Error with function "in"

Hello, I’m checking if an element is included in an array but it’s not working… I’m out of ideas of what can be the problem

this is the code in the layout>

{{ $v := substr .Permalink -3 -1 }}
{{ printf "%#v" $v }}
{{ printf "%#v" .Site.Params.lang }}
{{ in .Site.Params.lang "es" }}
{{ in .Site.Params.lang $v }}


"es" []interface {}{"en", "es"} false false

url: http://localhost:1313/lang/es/


  default_lang = "en"
  lang = ["en", "es", "it"]
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Could you print the type of one of the values in .Site.Params.lang? printf “%T” …


{{ $v := substr .Permalink -3 -1 }}
{{ printf "%#v" $v }}
{{ printf "%#v" .Site.Params.lang }}
{{ printf "%T" $v }}
{{ index .Site.Params.lang 0|printf "%T"  }}
{{ in .Site.Params.lang "es" }}
{{ in .Site.Params.lang $v }}


"es" []interface {}{"en", "es"} string string false false

It’s a bug:

It might behave differently between JSON, TOML and YAML, though.

Thank you, bep