Error when trying to deploy Wowchemy website repository using GitHub pages (while running "hugo")

Hi. I’ve set up my Wowchemy website using Netlify. This code is hosted in this repository: Now, I’m trying to deploy the webpage using GitHub pages following the instructions mentioned in Hugo Blox Docs.

I’m getting stuck at the “Next, regenerate your website’s HTML code by running Hugo and uploading the public submodule to GitHub:” step. When I run the command “hugo” from my Ubuntu terminal, I get the following error:

Building sites … ERROR 2021/06/22 18:32:16 render of "section" failed: "/tmp/hugo_cache/modules/filecache/modules/pkg/mod/": execute of template failed: template: section/event.html:19:57: executing "section/event.html" at <js>: can't evaluate field Build in type string
ERROR 2021/06/22 18:32:16 render of "section" failed: "/tmp/hugo_cache/modules/filecache/modules/pkg/mod/": execute of template failed: template: section/post.html:19:57: executing "section/post.html" at <js>: can't evaluate field Build in type string
ERROR 2021/06/22 18:32:16 render of "page" failed: "/tmp/hugo_cache/modules/filecache/modules/pkg/mod/": execute of template failed: template: publication/single.html:19:57: executing "publication/single.html" at <js>: can't evaluate field Build in type string
ERROR 2021/06/22 18:32:16 render of "page" failed: "/tmp/hugo_cache/modules/filecache/modules/pkg/mod/": execute of template failed: template: publication/single.html:19:57: executing "publication/single.html" at <js>: can't evaluate field Build in type string
Total in 490 ms
Error: Error building site: failed to render pages: render of "home" failed: "/tmp/hugo_cache/modules/filecache/modules/pkg/mod/": execute of template failed: template: index.html:19:57: executing "index.html" at <js>: can't evaluate field Build in type string

How do I fix this?

Note: My Hugo version is

Hugo Static Site Generator v0.68.3/extended linux/amd64 BuildDate: 2020-03-25T06:15:45Z

You will have to ask this question at GitHub - wowchemy/starter-hugo-academic: 🎓 创建一个学术网站. Easily create a beautiful academic résumé or educational website using Hugo, GitHub, and Netlify. because the error seems to be very specific to a Build variable. Maybe you didn’t initialize some submodule or did forget to run a command that loaded modules before running hugo.

What I CAN read from the error is that NOT the sending to github fails, but the creation of the website itself. Maybe running just hugo will tell you more, but I would suggest you go directly to the source - the repo issues of the theme you are using.

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Ah. I just saw that “they” don’t use Github’s issue system. Maybe for a reason. Their support “community” can be found at

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