I’m getting “error processing shortcode “_internal/shortcodes/ref.html” for page “manual/index.md”:” all of a sudden for links that used to work? Like:
[Example]({{< ref “manual/functions.md” >}})
The pages exist so I dont really understand why this error appeared all of a sudden, am I missing something?
Building sites … ERROR 2018/03/06 18:46:02 error processing shortcode “_internal/shortcodes/ref.html” for page “manual/index.md”: template: _internal/shortcodes/ref.html:1:73: executing “_internal/shortcodes/ref.html” at <ref .Page (.Get 0)>: error calling ref: No page found with path or logical name “manual/functions.md”.
They are in “content/manual/functions.md” (for example) though.
Has the way to create ref changed? It is from a site that already exists but I don’t remember when I generated it though.
EDIT: the URL shows …/manual/functions/ … not functions.html, maybe I’m just doing my refs wrong? It has worked until today though, weird.
We announced bundles in Hugo 0.32 (I think) – and the “index.md” is a reserved filename that creates a bundle with the other files in that folder and below. There is plenty written about this here on the forum and other places.