Error in Shortcode after upgrading from 0.40


I upgraded from hugo 0.40.0 to v0.78.2 linux/amd64 BuildDate: 2020-11-19T20:56:40Z
with the last version of hugo-theme-learn

Since my upgrade I am facing an issue with relref shortcodes:

Start building sites …

WARN 2020/12/05 08:26:46 Markup type mmark is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. See

Total in 2362 ms

Error: Error building site: "content/sql-reference-guide/": failed to render shortcode "relref": failed to process shortcode: "themes/hugo-theme-learn-master/layouts/shortcodes/relref.html:9:15": execute of template failed: template: shortcodes/relref.html:9:15: executing "shortcodes/relref.html" at <.Site.GetPage>: error calling GetPage: page reference "/" is ambiguous

The .md content/sql-reference-guide/ on line 160 has the following data:

To query the error stream, enter something like the following in [sqlline]({{< relref "" >}}) :

And the shortcode template shortcodes/relref.html has the following content:

{{- if in (.Get 0) "/" -}}
        {{- $paths := (split (.Get 0) "") -}}
        {{- $pagepath := index $paths 0 -}}
        {{- $anchor := index $paths 1 -}}
        {{- with .Site.GetPage "section" (trim $pagepath "/") -}}
                {{- ( printf "%s%s" $pagepath $anchor ) | relLangURL -}}
        {{- end -}}
{{- else -}}
        {{- with .Site.GetPage "section" (.Get 0) }}
                {{- .RelPermalink -}}
        {{- else -}}
                {{- .Get 0 | relref .Page -}}
        {{- end -}}
{{- end -}}

where {{- with .Site.GetPage "section" (.Get 0) }} is the line number 9, which seems to be culprit of the error.

Could someone help me to fix this? I am a bit lost.

Many thanks!

Hi there,

As the error message says,

you probably have multiple pages named I’m just guessing here though. If that is not the cause, then we would need to see your site code to be able to replicate, as the shortcode itself does not produce errors when I try it.