Newbie here, I’m trying to render my first site. Of course I had to get creative with the quickstart tutorial and use a different theme. I get the following error on the hugo
Error: “C:\Hugo\Sites\blog_archive\config.toml:1:1”: unmarshal failed: Near line 0 (last key parsed ‘’): bare keys cannot contain ‘\x00’
Not sure what is up, the error doesn’t line up exactly with similar issues and questions I’ve been able to find here on the forums? As far as I can tell, there are no rogue NULL characters in my config file (see below) — especially not “near line 0”, which I assume would be the first line of code.
Any help is appreciated, not just to solving the issue, but to hopefully understand what is going on…
baseURL = “”
footnoteReturnLinkContents = “”
title = “title”theme = “minimo”
copyright = “”Paginate = 5
preserveTaxonomyNames = trueenableRobotsTXT = true
enableEmoji = true
AuthorName = “name”
Subtitle = “subtitle”[]
description = “description”
title404 = “title”[params.assets]
favicon = “favicon.ico”
gopher = “”[params.copyright]
prefix = “”
holder = “name”
startYear = “year”
suffix = “”[params.settings]
dateFormat = “2006-01-02”
listDateFormat = “2006, Jan 02”
archiveDateFormat = “January 02”
hideEntryNavigation = [“page”]
hideEntryMeta = [“page”]
showReadingTime = true
showLastmod = true
taxonomyCloudShuffle = false
accentColor = “#F47A55”
hideMainMenu = true
rtl = false[params.sidebar]
enable = true[params.widgets]
header = [“breadcrumbs”]
homepage = [“recent_posts”]
sidebar = [“about”,“search”,“sidebar_menu”,“taxonomy_cloud”][params.seo]
titleSeparator = “|”[params.comments]
enable = false[]
client = “fuse”[taxonomies]
category = “categories”
series = “series”
tag = “tags”[permalinks]
posts = “/:slug”