Error: "C:\Hugo\bin\config.toml:1:1"

While starting the server, I got a very strange message from my PC:

Error: “C:\Hugo\bin\config.toml:1:1”: unmarshal failed: Near line 1 (last key parsed ‘theme = “dream”’): expected key separator ‘=’, but got ‘\r’ instead

But I never wrote any separators at all, I just printed this to start a new theme:

echo ‘theme = “dream”’ >> config.toml

and then:

hugo server -D

So, what is going on?

Hey @Oleh_Shynkarenko

Where did you run the command echo ‘theme = “dream”’ >> config.toml ?

You can simply follow these steps to get into it.

  1. git clone
  2. open a terminal on the cloned folder (which is hugo-theme-dream)
  3. cd exampleSite/
  4. hugo server --themesDir …/…

it will serve the theme on your localhost.

" is not ”
take a look in a text editor into your config.toml and fix the "

You mean, I should delete “” at all, as they prevent system to work?

I run them in Command Line:

you can follow the steps I just provided.