Embedding local video in static/img or page folder to website

I am working off of these instructions:

My question is:

  1. Does this imply I can only use a local video file with a .mp4 extension? (My video is .MOV).
  2. Is there a length restriction to video upload? (Mine is 6 min).

I am trying to display my research video presentation to my personal website. I have tried using the shortcodes to embed video (both in the static/img directory and then tried it in the actual page’s folder). After I commit, netlify builds the new page with a video frame showing where the video would be and has a play button and everything, but you cannot play the video ): It shows up as 0:00 time.

Any thoughts as to why my video can’t play?
Next attempt is to just upload my video to youtube and try the youtube shortcodes to embed video.

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Lookup something like, “web safe video”. Files ending with .mov are not supported by web browsers. Fortunately, you should be able to find plenty of tutorials on converting your quicktime movies to web formats. It is, however, beyond the scope of these fora. :slight_smile:


It looks like file sizes larger than 10MB do bring issues.

On the other hand: Upload it to a youtube channel, set it to private, link it from there. This way you have all the goods of videos for all device-sizes and network speeds with stats if they are watched and so on and you never need to worry if your provider supports them.

If you are concerned about privacy read about setting the youtube/video shortcode to safer values:

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Okay I will try converting to .mp4 and let you know.

Okay I will see how big my video is, it might be more than 10MB. If so, I’ll do the youtube way. I’ll keep you posted soon! Back to experimenting, thanks for the quick response.

You were right! My video was 214 MB (5 min vid), and GitHub only allows 100 MB. So I had to publish to youtube and use shortcode to link youtube video. It rejected my changes when I tried to push the video locally (after I had converted it to .mp4).

I was able to get is up! I had to upload video to youtube and now my research video is on my website. Thanks for all the help!

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