Discuss would not let me sign up with GitHub


This is about a problem with Discuss, not Hugo. I tried to sign up for an account on this site with GitHub, but every time I clicked “sign up with GitHub” it just opened discuss.gohugo.io in a smaller window. I had to create an account with my email, but I think it should be fixed. Thanks.

@johnblood I’m with ya. I had the same issue. Looks like some type of error in the redirect, so I now have two accounts for this discussion group.

Maybe you could sell the extra account on ebay for $$$ :slight_smile:

This is on me. I moved the forum to https but didn’t update the auth link on github. It should be fixed now.

I’d like to links my account with GitHub, but I could not find how to link it in profile preferences. Any ideas>

I know there is a way because I did it, but for the life of me I can’t seem to figure out how. We just use vanilla Discourse so maybe googling will help.