Disabling built in chroma

Hello, is it there a way to disable the chroma support? I want to bring my own syntax highlight (highlight.js). I guess server side highlight is better than client-side, but chroma doesn’t support angular very well.


I suppose that if you set the default Highlight configuration settings to false, then Chroma should be disabled.

I tried to do (in json):

"markup": {
  "highlight": false

That doesn’t work, highlight expect and object and not a boolean. Not sure if that is what you meant

No that is not what I meant.

I suggested that in your project’s config, you copy the table of the default configuration and turn off the enabled settings:

anchorLineNos = false
    codeFences = false
    guessSyntax = false
    hl_Lines = ""
    lineAnchors = ""
    lineNoStart = ""
    lineNos = false
    lineNumbersInTable = false
    noClasses = false
    style = ""
    tabWidth = ""

Thank you sir, that works like a charm. Opened a issue in chroma for the support I would like to have and then I can switch back easily.

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