Description of list of categories

How to display descriptions of categories on homepage ; i want to add description to this code :

<ul class="ContentCat">
  {{ $termsOfInterest := slice "histoire" "livres" "personnalites" "villes" "romans" "sports" "cinéma" "sciences" }}
  {{ range $term, $weightedPages := site.Taxonomies.categories }}
    {{ if in $termsOfInterest $term }}
      <li class="ListCat"><a href="{{ .Page.RelPermalink }}">{{ .Page.LinkTitle }}</a> {{ $pageCount := len .Pages }}
                            <p>{{ $pageCount }} post{{ if ne $pageCount 1 }}s{{ end }} </p>
	   <div class="ImageCat">
                        <a href="{{ .Page.Permalink }}">
                            <figure class="ImagePreview">
                                {{ $firstChild := index .Pages 0 }}
                                {{ with $firstChild.Params.images }}
                                <img src="{{ index . 0 }}" alt="">
                                {{ end }}
 </p>  </li>
    {{ end }}
  {{ end }}

I have 8 categories and i want to display their descriptions
i tried to add {{ .Description }} but not working !