In root hugo.toml, doesnt work. It will always use en. I cant disable english either, since it’s default.
The docs state clearly, that it should be in the root config file. And it is?
This is my languages.toml
top level keys below a table definition won’t work. (see TOML Table
move your pagination settings behind the last top level key (after line 25)
your disableLanguages is an array of arrays, should be a simple string array
correct disableLanguages to be a plain array: disableLanguages = ["en"]
toml adjusted
######################## default configuration ####################
# The base URL of your site (required). This will be prepended to all relative URLs.
baseURL = "/"
# Title of your website (required).
title = "Jana Schatto"
# Your theme name
theme = "hugoplate"
# Default time zone for time stamps; use any valid tz database name:
timeZone = "Europe/Amsterdam"
timeout = "80s"
# post pagination
# post excerpt
summaryLength = 10 # see
# disable language
disableLanguages = ["en"]
# example: ["fr"] for disable french language. see
hasCJKLanguage = false # If hasCJKLanguage true, auto-detect Chinese/Japanese/Korean Languages in the content. see:
# default language
defaultContentLanguage = "nl"
# defaultContentLanguageInSubdir need to be true if you want to use the language code as a subdirectory and language specific 404 page
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true
pagerSize = 2 # see
thanks. dunno why it was like that from the get go. Cant remember i’d changed anything since I left the project and never really read up on toml, using yaml mostly. Maybe some copilot change i accidently accepted.