Default language suddenly not working?

Im confused. Ive picked up an old project. a hugoplate themed template.
I want dutch as default language. ill add english later.

defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true
defaultContentLanguage = ‘nl’

In root hugo.toml, doesnt work. It will always use en. I cant disable english either, since it’s default.
The docs state clearly, that it should be in the root config file. And it is?
This is my languages.toml

contentDir = ‘content/dutch’

disabled = false

languageCode = ‘nl-NL’

languageDirection = ‘ltr’

languageName = ‘NL’

Please share the entire hugo.toml file.

######################## default configuration ####################
# The base URL of your site (required). This will be prepended to all relative URLs.
baseURL = "/"
# Title of your website (required).
title = "Jana Schatto"

# Your theme name
theme = "hugoplate"
# Default time zone for time stamps; use any valid tz database name:
timeZone = "Europe/Amsterdam"
timeout = "80s"
# post pagination
  pagerSize = 2 # see
# post excerpt
summaryLength = 10 # see
# disable language
disableLanguages = [ 
] # example: ["fr"] for disable french language. see
hasCJKLanguage = false #  If hasCJKLanguage true, auto-detect Chinese/Japanese/Korean Languages in the content. see:
# default language
defaultContentLanguage = 'nl'
# defaultContentLanguageInSubdir need to be true if you want to use the language code as a subdirectory and language specific 404 page
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true

########################### Services #############################

shortname = 'themefisher-template' # we use disqus to show comments in blog posts . To install disqus please follow this tutorial

########################## Permalinks ############################
"pages" = "/:slugorfilename/"

############################# Modules ############################
source = "assets"
target = "assets"

source = "hugo_stats.json"
target = "assets/watching/hugo_stats.json"

############################# Build ##############################
noJSConfigInAssets = false
useResourceCacheWhen = 'fallback'
enable = true
source = 'assets/watching/hugo_stats\.json'
target = 'style\.css'
source = '(postcss|tailwind)\.config\.js'
target = 'css'
source = 'assets/.*\.(js|ts|jsx|tsx)'
target = 'js'
source = 'assets/.*\.(css|scss|sass)'
target = 'css'
source = 'data/.*\.(.*)$'
target = 'css'
source = 'assets/.*\.(.*)$'
target = '$1'

############################# Outputs ############################
home = ["HTML", "RSS", "WebAppManifest", "SearchIndex"]

############################# Imaging ############################
# See
# Default JPEG or WebP quality setting. Default is 75.
quality = 80
resampleFilter = "Lanczos"

############################ Caches ##############################
dir = ":resourceDir/_gen"
maxAge = "720h"

dir = ":resourceDir/_gen"
maxAge = "720h"

############################ Markup ##############################
unsafe = true

style = 'monokai' # see

startLevel = 2
endLevel = 5
ordered = true

########################### Media types ###########################
suffixes = ["webmanifest"]

########################### Output Format ##########################
mediaType = "application/manifest+json"
rel = "manifest"

mediaType = "application/json"
baseName = "searchindex"
isPlainText = true
notAlternative = true

############################# Plugins ##############################

# CSS Plugins
link = "plugins/swiper/swiper-bundle.css"
lazy = true
link = "plugins/glightbox/glightbox.css"
lazy = true
link = "plugins/font-awesome/v6/brands.css"
lazy = true
link = "plugins/font-awesome/v6/solid.css"
lazy = true
link = "plugins/font-awesome/v6/icons.css"
lazy = true

# JS Plugins
link = "js/search.js"
lazy = false
link = "plugins/swiper/swiper-bundle.js"
lazy = false
link = "plugins/cookie.js"
lazy = false
link = "plugins/glightbox/glightbox.js"
lazy = true
link = "js/gallery-slider.js"
lazy = true
link = "js/accordion.js"
lazy = true
link = "js/tab.js"
lazy = true
link = "js/modal.js"
lazy = true
link = "plugins/youtube-lite.js"
lazy = true

Seen two problems with your config

  1. top level keys below a table definition won’t work. (see TOML Table

    move your pagination settings behind the last top level key (after line 25)

  2. your disableLanguages is an array of arrays, should be a simple string array

    correct disableLanguages to be a plain array: disableLanguages = ["en"]

toml adjusted
######################## default configuration ####################
# The base URL of your site (required). This will be prepended to all relative URLs.
baseURL = "/"
# Title of your website (required).
title = "Jana Schatto"

# Your theme name
theme = "hugoplate"
# Default time zone for time stamps; use any valid tz database name:
timeZone = "Europe/Amsterdam"
timeout = "80s"
# post pagination
# post excerpt
summaryLength = 10 # see
# disable language
disableLanguages = ["en"]
# example: ["fr"] for disable french language. see
hasCJKLanguage = false #  If hasCJKLanguage true, auto-detect Chinese/Japanese/Korean Languages in the content. see:
# default language
defaultContentLanguage = "nl"
# defaultContentLanguageInSubdir need to be true if you want to use the language code as a subdirectory and language specific 404 page
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true

  pagerSize = 2 # see

thanks. dunno why it was like that from the get go. Cant remember i’d changed anything since I left the project and never really read up on toml, using yaml mostly. Maybe some copilot change i accidently accepted.

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