I am having trouble with dates/times and formatting. I would like to have a startDateTime and and endDateTime in my front matter for an event and print it out formatted in the template. There seems to be a ton of dateFormat related discussions but I cant seem to get this to work.
It seems this explains the format string a bit, though it still seems it might be tricky to get it just right:
but it seems I continue to either get a parse error or most often “error calling dateFormat: Unable to Cast nil to Time”
It would be nice to print out something like:
Thursday March 2 2017 6:00PM - 8:00PM
or potentially spanning several days:
Thursday March 2 2017 - Friday March 3 2017 6:00PM - 8:00PM
Is there a specific format the frontmatter needs to be in? Something else?
My hope is to have netlify-cms write the date and time with its datetime widget. It writes the frontmatter out in yaml.
Thanks for your time.