Date formatting messed up on newest hugo version


the date formatting on my blog has some issues. It ends up like this in the rendered website: <span title='2023-10-16 14:17:52 +0200 CEST'>Oktober 16, 2023</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;1 Minute&nbsp;·&nbsp;140 Wörter&nbsp;·&nbsp;
Here’s an example: Datenschutzvorfall an der FU Berlin durch Fehlkonfiguration des Videostreamingdienstes vBrick | Janik Besendorf

However this only happens on 0.123.8. A friend of mine tested on hugo v0.111.3+extended linux/amd64 BuildDate=2023-03-16T08:41:31Z VendorInfo=debian:0.111.3-1 and he does not have the issue.

I tested on hugo v0.123.8+extended linux/amd64 BuildDate=unknown on Arch Linux.
This is the source to my website: GitHub - besendorf/ My personal blog

You are using the hugo-WonderMod theme. They fixed this issue last year with d3368d1b.

Please update your theme.