Data file (YAML) returns empty rows?

Something odd is happening to my Site.Data calls, I get empty rows.


name: "Ron"
call : ""

- title: "Emperor"
- url: ""
- img: "image.jpg"

- title: "Hello"
- url: ""
- img: "image-2.jpg"

My call:

{{ $data := index .Site.Data .Params.Title }}
{{ $author := .Params.Title }}

{{ range .Site.Data }}
   {{ if eq .name $author }}
     {{ range .loop }}
        <p>{{ .title }} {{ .img }} {{ .url }}</p>
     {{ end }}
   {{ end }}
{{ end }}

Now, this should print an entry per line, but instead prints

<p>Emperor image.jpg</p>
<p>Hello image-2.jpg</p>

I can fix with by using: {{ with .title }} {{ . }} {{ end }} for each call, but… it is Ok that it repeats like that? Or I’m doing something wrong. Curious about it.

this defines an item list!
change it to

- title: "Emperor"
  url: ""
  img: "image.jpg"
- title: "Hello"
  url: ""
  img: "image-2.jpg"

PS I don’t like yaml :slight_smile:

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