Creating a Custom List Page for Specific Frontmatter Value in Hugo

My frontmatter has a key called series in, as well as a type key. I was wondering if it’s possible to create a custom list page for anything matching a specific value assigned to the series key?

For example, here’s a post’s frontmatter:

title: Lorem Ipsum
series: art
type: archive

When I go to https://hostname/series/art I’d like to see all posts in the art series in a gallery style layout just for that series as opposed to my default list.html.

I’ve tried a few things, such as creating layouts/art/list.html, layouts/series/art.html, layouts/series/art/list.html and layouts/art.html but it always just renders the layouts/series/list.html template instead.

I have also tried setting the type to art in the frontmatter, as per this post but that doesn’t seem to be working for me either. I’m using leaf bundles if that could be the issue but I don’t immediately see why that would be a problem, but thought I should mention it.

If it’s possible it would be good to know how, if anybody can share that knowledge.

You want a taxonomy called series:

Sorry I forgot to mention I have defined it in my config.yml

    tag: tags
    type: type
    series: series

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