/content/about.md doesn't work with /layouts/_default/about/single.html

Hi friends,

I made a layout for a specific page in

The specific page is

I added type and layout variable in frontmatter though it’s not working.
Can you please address me what did I do wrong? I don’t want to show date/time on about page.

about.md looks like this

title: test
layout: "about"
type: "about"


looks like this

{{ define "main" }}
			<h1>{{ .Title }}</h1>
				{{ .Content }}
{{ partial "sidebar.html" . }}
{{ end }}

looks like this (and I thought removing <time> would simply work with about.md)

{{ define "main" }}
			<h1>{{ .Title }}</h1>
			<b><time>{{ .Date.Format (default "2006-01-02 15:04:05" .Site.Params.dateFmt) }}</time></b>
		       {{ range .Params.tags }}
		           <a href="{{ "/tags/" | relLangURL }}{{ . | urlize }}">{{ . }}</a>
        	       {{ end }}

				{{ .Content }}
{{ partial "sidebar.html" . }}
{{ end }}

the result page looks looks like this
thanks for your help! :sunny:

I believe you mixed two things up and am pretty sure /layouts/_default/about/single.html should be either /layouts/_default/about.html with layout: about in your frontmatter or it has to be at /layouts/about/single.html.

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The .Type of any page at the root of your content directory will be page, so your options are:

Path Frontmatter
layouts/_default/about.html layout = "about"
layouts/page/about.html layout = "about"

Thank you so much!

I deleted unnecessary directory /about/ and created layouts/_default/about.html. It works great. :blush::blush::blush:

Both replies are solutions and I couldn’t choose both of them so I’m leaving it as it is.

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