I have a section books containing page bundles for several books. Each index.md file contains a slice-valued parameter author whose values are, obviously, the names of the book’s author(s).
In my config.toml, author = author is listed in the taxonomies section. And no, I do not want to “pluralize” that – my language is not English, the site is not in English, so appending an “s” makes utterly no sense. I’m better off with the singular form.
What would be the names/locations of the list and single equivalents for the authors? I’m overwhelmed by the list in template lookup order
That was stupid – I’m looking for two list templates, one for all authors and one for a single author, listing all their books.
What I’d like to see happening:
one “list” template gives me a list of all authors
the other “list” template gives me a list of books for this particular author
I’m able to code that stuff, I’m just completely baffled by the required naming.
In the front matter, it’s “author”. And no, I do not want to use “authors = author”. Just imagine that the category name is not English and that appending an “s” to it makes utterly no sense. All I want to know is
What are the names for single and list templates in <theme>/layouts/author/.
Update I think I know why I’m confused. In the documentation, the same path to layouts/category/list.html appears twice
under Taxonomy list for "categories"(number 16)
under Term list for "categories"(number 32)
Now, what happens if I have layouts/category/list.html – will it be used for the taxonomy list or for the term list or for both?
And I have to amend my first post, because a “single” template doesn’t make sense for a term.