Categories with

I have followed zwbetz great tutorial:
to adapt an old php/recipe site. It is now populated to github and I have imported it to

I’m trying to understand how to structure the series of categories assigned to each recipe: meal type, season, author, serves when preparing the Front Matter template. I can see has a Select Field which would suit data entry for the majority of these categories. On the existing php/mysql site when entering a recipe the field (eg. Author) is populated by data in use by other recipes in the database. If the required data (author) is not in the dropdown list an additional field is provided to add a new entry (author). Being a category one can only select a single entry for the field (they are not tags). Seasons are a pre-defined group, however, meal-type and author can be continually added to.

Can somebody steer me in the right direction?
I understand that while my existing Hugo site displays/functions as intended, some modifications are required at Hugo’s end for the CMS to work.

You’ve come across a limitation of Hugo and Forestry (though, I’m not sure if something Hugo is designed to solve).

What you’re really wanting is for the Forestry team to build this functionality—create some kind of data store of taxonomies which is integrated with their front-matter editor. For that you’re best off getting involved in their slack channel.

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