Can't get nested shortcode to work

I have two shorts code, one is details defined as below

    <summary>{{ .Get "title" | default "Spoiler" | markdownify }}</summary>
    <div>{{ .Inner | markdownify }}</div>

and the other is sub

<sub>{{ .Get 0 | markdownify }}</sub>

And this is how I tried to use

a{{<sup "1">}}

The child shortcode doesn’t take effect. Why idea how I can get this to work? Thanks.

View source in your browser, typically Ctrl +U. You will see this comment instead of the opening and closing sub tags:

<!-- raw HTML omitted -->

See You need to do this in your site configuration:

unsafe = true

It’s not unsafe if you control the content.

But you don’t need subscript or superscript shortcodes:

In your site configuration:

enable = true

enable = true

Then in your markdown:

Subscript	H~2~O	
Superscript	1^st^

Thank you so much, both work for me.

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