Can't complete deploy on GitHubPages [exit code 8]

I followed official documentation located here:

On step 8 i got this error message:

Run wget -O /home/runner/work/_temp/hugo.deb${HUGO_VERSION}/hugo_extended_${HUGO_VERSION}_linux-amd64.deb \

--2024-12-03 17:05:06--

Resolving (

Connecting to (||:443... connected.

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found

2024-12-03 17:05:07 ERROR 404: Not Found.

Error: Process completed with exit code 8.

Site is located here:

Obviously it is not working now.
Also i tried to deploy site without GithubActions just by means of:
Settings > Pages > Branch > Main > Root > Save.
But in this case all paths are messed up and there is no css decoration on website.

How to resolve this issue? What i am doing wrong?
Do i need to transfer to Github only “Public” folder or all source code also?

Site is working fine on local Hugo server.

mmh, doesn’t make much sense to post a link to an unpublished site :wink:

the version in your hugo workflow is wrong: 0.121 - versions follow vMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH

it should be v0.121.2

       HUGO_VERSION: v0.121.2

p.s. you might want to raise to a more recent version if your theme supports.

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Thank you, it is solved the issue. But now it looks like i run into another one.
Not all styles and js are loaded, that is why everything is blurred.

Site works fine from local Hugo server and VS Code live server, but styles are not loading when i launch index.html from the local “public” folder.

My config.toml is:

languageCode = "en"
title = "Hugo Hacker Theme"
theme = "mainroad"
paginate = 14
BaseURL = ""
DefaultContentLanguage = "en"
disableHugoGeneratorInject = true

Please, assist me if you know the root cause of this.

Well, something is loaded, and it is called “styles.css”. But it’s certainly not CSS, and the browser’s developer console complains a lot.

For example, this file begins with

		- $highlightColor: | default (.Site.Params.highlightColor | default "#e22d30") -

It seems that you want to create a CSS file from a Hugo template (although it’s also not working Hugo code), and somehow that doesn’t work with your GitHub setup.

It is, btw, always a good idea to have a look at your browser’s developer tools. First, you can learn and experiment there. And second, you’ll find a lot of answers there already.

Not to mention that it’s better to open a new thread for a new issue.

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one addition:

usually you cannot “launch” a hugo generated HTML file from a folder. You will need a webserver.

I’d like to mention that explicitly. We follow the one issue one topic policy - especially in cases like yours where the problem is totally different.

As a reminder: your published site works, so it will be better in those cases to share your repo, so someone can try to reproduce your problem.

that one is from the mainrod theme which uses ExecuteAsTemplate , user params and not checking anything…

{{ $style := resources.Get "css/style.css" | resources.ExecuteAsTemplate "css/style.css" . -}}
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ $style.RelPermalink }}">

but numer of lines in theme and ops theme are different, so there are some changes or old theme… or … next issue :wink:

Thanks to all for replying. I got thing about one problem - one post methodology.
@ irkode answered the question.
Frankly speaking i don’t get much from most of replies,
but nevertheless i’ll open another thread then.

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