Each article should have an url like : https://my.blog/<en>/2020/01/<en-title>/.
But also a slug url like : https://my.blog/<lang>/2020/01/slug or https://my.blog/post/slug (I don’t really know what’s best for a slug url, I’m open to any advice !)
And finally a redirection between translated pages like : https://my.blog/<en>/2020/01/<fr-title> would redirect and rewrite the url to the english page.
Is there a way to do this ?
Also here I’m thinking of a practical usage but is it wise to do this from an SEO perspective ?
The goal of this question is to configure Hugo to get several urls pointing to the same article with some redirections related to the language specified in the url.
For example with a post about football, I’ll have an index.<lang>.md for each language in a bundle page directory.
I’d like to be able to read the English version of the page with :
An url made with the english title : my.blog/en/2023/04/My-Football-Article
An url made with the article slug and the en prefix : my.blog/en/posts/my-footbal-article
An url made with the french title but with the /en/ prefix like : my.blog/en/2023/04/Mon-Article-De-Football redirecting to the first url.
I may have misunderstood what a slug is referring to, from my understanding it’s a unique human readable identifier to a page or a page bundle ?
Does this help in the comprehension of the wanted result ?