Bulding index from content

Hello everybody!

If Hugo supports or if there are any plans for implementation of the autogenerated index?

By index, I mean good old index from publishing - a section in the book which looks like pairs - word and list of pages where this word is mentioned like here on the image

I believe it is a great tool for building one more layer of navigation around the content.
Sure every word should be added to index manually and some kind of macros or syntax construction is needed in markdown itself to make it possible.

Any thoughts?

We’ve had a discussion on the concept before. And we’ve gone over using taxonomies for the purpose.

I don’t think this is a feature, as an index is clearly output of content parsed through a template. Maybe one of those links will provide you with the inspiration for a template. :slight_smile:

I think that auto-generating a usable index is very hard. Actually, creating the index for a book is actual job, not some automated process. That would suggest to me that creating an index from content is a lot harder than it looks.

When I googled this, I did found this paper about how software can generate a reasonably good index. It looks impressive (but also quite complex). Unfortunately I couldn’t find a Go library that implemented that paper, since that would make it much easier to get it implemented in Hugo.

Is this not similar to generating a word index for searching? As in generating an index for use with the Algolia search engine for example.