Beginner problem - breadcrumbs, Scratch and nested sections

Hi everyone!

I apologise, I am a beginner and this might be a very easy problem. I come from a JavaScript background and am still learning to ‘think in Hugo’.

With the wonderful release of nested sections in Hugo 0.22, I have started with @bep’s demo site and am trying to add breadcrumbs functionality.

Attempt 1 - kind of works

In .\layouts\_default\baseof.html I added at the bottom:

{{ define "breadcrumbs" }}
	{{ if .Parent }}
		<li>{{ .Parent.Title }}</li>
		{{ template "breadcrumbs" .Parent }}		
	{{ end }}
{{ end }}

Then in the <body> I call it:

<ul>{{ template "breadcrumbs" .Page }}</ul>

I am trying to say “If this page has a parent, then output said parent’s title. Does the parent have a parent? Then output said parent’s title. And so on until you run out of parents.”

It works, but obviously is in reverse order from normal breadcrumbs. For example, on page http://localhost:1313/section1/s1_1/s_1_2b/c/ it correctly outputs:

* Section S1/2b
* Section S1/1
* Section1s
* Hugo Test Site

Attempt 2 with Scratch - yikes!

I would now like to output the same list in reverse order. ie:

  • Hugo Test Site
  • Section1s
  • Section S1/1
  • Section S1/2b

I tried to use Scratch to incrementally build the list. I changed the above like so:

{{ define "breadcrumbs" }}
	{{ if .Parent }}
		{{ $.Scratch.Add "breadcrumbString" (print .Parent.Title " > ") }}
		{{ template "breadcrumbs" .Parent }}		
	{{ end }}
{{ end }}

Then in the <body> I call it, then output the “breadcrumbString” from Scratch:

<ul>{{ template "breadcrumbs" .Page }}{{ $.Scratch.Get "breadcrumbString" }}</ul>

Sample results (working up the tree):

Page: http://localhost:1313/section1/s1_1/hugo-rocks/
Output: Section S1/1 >

Page: http://localhost:1313/section1/s1_1/
Output: Section1s > Section1s > Section1s > Section1s > Section1s > Section1s > Section1s > Section1s >

Page: http://localhost:1313/section1/
Output: Hugo Test Site > Hugo Test Site > Hugo Test Site > Hugo Test Site > Hugo Test Site > Hugo Test Site > Hugo Test Site > Hugo Test Site > Hugo Test Site > Hugo Test Site > Hugo Test Site > Hugo Test Site > Hugo Test Site >


It is clear that I don’t know what I’m doing, and I don’t know how to ‘think in Hugo’ yet :frowning: In JavaScript, I would add the parent titles to an array, then reverse the array order. But I am at a loss and I wonder if I am just approaching this problem all wrong. I would appreciate any feedback.

Thanks for reading this long story!


Did you poke around with sort?

I have poked around with sort - the Grand Plan was to add the breadcrumbs incrementally into Scratch and use sort to reverse the order. I never got to that part of the plan though - as you can see from my original post, the Scratch output was too bonkers to sort!

Could you not just reverse the recursive template call and the li in your template? In other words use:

{{ define "breadcrumbs" }}
	{{ if .Parent }}
		{{ template "breadcrumbs" .Parent }}		
		{{ $.Scratch.Add "breadcrumbString" (print .Parent.Title " > ") }}
	{{ end }}
{{ end }}

This should output something like

* Hugo Test Site
* Section1s
* Section S1/1
* Section S1/2b


Not sure if you managed to sort your issue but there is a breadcrumbs example in the docs that would output what you need.

[](http://Breadcrumb example in the docs)

Hope that helps you or someone with a similar issue.